Receiving Payments through ShopeePay e-Wallet

ShopeePay is a digital wallet service offered by Shopee.


A. As a merchant

You can accept more payments easily from customer.


B. As a customer

You can have the e-Wallet option to make online transactions within Shopee.


C. Transaction charge

The transaction rate charged for the e-Wallet payment is 1.5% or a minimum of RM 0.65 (whichever is higher).


D. Is there any integration needed ?

No integration is needed.


E. Does the ShopeePay wallet feature comes by default ?

Yes, it comes by default after document verification phase.


F. How do my customers request for refund ? 

Click here for more details.

G. How to enable ShopeePay e-wallet in your payment form ?

1. Login to your senangPay Dashboard.

2. Go to Menu > Settings > Profile

3. Refer to the “Payment Option Availability.”

4. Drag the e-wallet options accordingly.

5. Scroll down the page and click “Save.”

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6. Now, you need to double check the result of the changes. Go to your any Payment Form and open it. You should see the options of the payment is based on your setting. For example, below is a screenshot for the ShopeePay payment options for  e-Wallet.


H. What can I do as a senangPay merchant ?

You can simply share / announce this feature in your social media .


I. How can this feature can help me ?

1. You have more channels in receiving payments to help make it easier and more convenient for you.

2. Safe for merchants and customers.