Setting Up : Integration with eCommerce Platform
Getting Started : OnPay

Easily access your business anywhere. Automate your business with OnPay. Now you don’t have to send email, SMS and follow up manually.
A. Integrate senangPay with your OnPay
1. Go to payment method setting. Go to “Tetapan”> “Kaedah Pembayaran Lain” > “senangPay”
2. Fill in all the details required :
- ID Pedagang (Merchant ID)
- Kunci Rahsia (Secret Key)
- Jenis Caj Pengendalian (Types of Operating Charges)*if activating handling charges
- Nilai Caj Pengendalian (Amount for the Operating Charges) *if activating handling charges

3. Fill in your senangPay ID Pedagang (Merchant ID).
4. Fill in your senangPay Kunci Rahsia (Secret Key)
5.If you want to use Caj Pengendalian (Operating Charges), click “Kenakan caj pengendalian kepada pelanggan”, fill in Jenis Caj Pengendalian (Types of Operating Charges) and Nilai Caj Pengendalian (Amount of Operating Charges).
6.When you have finished, click the “Simpan” button.