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Required Documents to Submit


A. Why we need the documents

This is required following the regulation set by the card scheme and our acquirer bank to ensure our policies are aligned with the standard bank compliance, governed by Bank Negara Malaysia.


B. What to submit

Referring to merchant nature of business, requirements below are obligatory for senangPay onboarding team to process merchant’s application :
B1. Business Entity ( Sole Proprietorship / Partnership / Private Limited Company / Public Limited Company / Unlimited Companies / Limited Liability Partnership / Business License for Sabah and Sarawak )
1. Business registration form (SSM/License) – Company Certificate, Company Profile and Director.
2. Latest 3 months Bank Statement (must show name of bank, details of account owner & date).
3. Proof of identities (Photocopy of Malaysian Identity Cards (ICs) / Passports (front & back) ) for ALL Directors.
4. Utility bill / Tenancy Agreement details of company name and address must match SSM.
5. Photo of products and inventories. Merchant that offers services may provide billing agreement / sales invoice / quotations on services offered.
6. Pictures of office/premise/shop/building signboard or front entrance and interior.
7. Merchant’s name must be stated on the website as proof that the website belongs to the merchant.
8. Merchant website / sales platform must incorporate:
This disclosure is to protect merchant and educate their customers at the time of the transaction and transparency as customers are informed about their rights on refunds / cancellation / exchange.
9. Merchant website / social media platform must be complete and integrated with senangPay, including completing and integrating the Return URL and Call back URL in your sales platform.
10. Merchant using Payment Form, kindly create your payment form in the product list. Refer to our guide here on how to create a payment form, click here.
Additional requirements may apply:
  • Health Food & Supplement, Cosmetics including Medicinal products must be registered with the Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH), OR the ingredients must be approved by NPRA / FDA and/or KKM Notification is required.
  • Medical device must have an established license or an approval from Medical Device Authority Malaysia (MDA).
  • Halal certificate from JAKIM may be required for certain business field including the food industry.
  • Travel Agency License from (MOTAC).
B2. Organization / Society

1. Registration form (Form 3) / Registrar of Society (ROS).

2. List of Exco members

3. Organisation Chart

4. Latest 3 months Bank Statement (must show name of bank, details of account owner & date)
5. Photocopy of Malaysian Identity Card (IC) of Top Level and above (President,Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary) (front & back)

6. Utility bill / Tenancy Agreement details of company name and address must match Registration form.

7. Pictures of office/premise/shop/building signboard or front entrance and interior.

8. Merchant’s name must be stated on the website as proof that the website belongs to the merchant.

9. Merchant website / sales platform must incorporate:

This disclosure is to protect merchant and educate their customers at the time of the transaction and transparency as customers are informed about their rights on refunds / cancellation / exchange.

10. Merchant website / social media platform must be complete and integrated with senangPay. including completing and integrating the Return URL and Call back URL in your sales platform.

11. Merchant using Payment Form, kindly create your payment form in the product list. Refer to our guide here on how to create a payment form, click here
Additional requirements may apply:
      • Federal Territory Religious Council (MAIWP/JAWI) for merchants operatin Education Centres.
      • Charity – Minutes of meeting & Audited Financial Statement

12. Latest meeting minutes.

13. Latest audited report.

Please take note :

  • senangPay reserves the right to request additional documentation from the merchant upon processing your account application at any time.
  • All account application is subject to our acquirer’s approval, any pending or additional documents required will
    be informed via email / phone.
  • senangPay will not accept prohibited products or services that violate our Terms & Agreement, websites / sales
    platform found to be selling prohibited, banned products or services are subject to immediate account
    termination, frozen funds, forfeiture of funds, fines, and/or order cancellations, all without notice.
  • All documents submitted are not returnable.
  • Please ensure that your website/sales platform is ready before your account can be approved, as this is necessary to ensure that your product/service does not violate our Terms & Agreement.

C. Examples of Items to submit

As an example, for information purposes only, we need to hide the information on these documents.

  • Please do not mask the documents you submit to us as what we display here is for your reference only.
1. Business registration form
  • Company Certificate ROC (SSM Form 9)


  • Company Certificate ROB (SSM Form D)


  • Company Profile



  • Company Director


  • Sarawak Business License








  • Sabah Business License



2. Organization / Society Registration Form (Form 3)




3. List of Exco members



4. Identification card


5. Bank statement
  • must show name of bank, details of account owner & date






6. Utility Bills / Tenancy Agreement


7. Sample document related to pharmaceutical, cosmetic and etc.











D. When to submit

Please submit the documents immediately after your registration is successful.  If you do not submit the documents, we cannot process the settlement for you. Our finance department will ensure that the submitted bank account information given is accurate prior to processing the settlement to your account.


E. Where to submit

Click here to see more details on where to submit the documents. Make sure your documents are compressed and scaled down below 2 MB for each documents.


F. What if I do not have a 1-month Bank Account Statement?

For the merchant who has just opened a new bank account, you can send to us a screenshot of the bank account statement page that states your bank account number and account name instead.


G. What if I choose not to send the documents?

We cannot process the settlement to your account.