
Product is the place where you upload all your unique products that are for sale, which means you have a lot of products to sell. Use Product if you want to use the Unique Payment Form. 


A. List

1. This displays all the products that you have already added in the apps.

2. Below are the details of the elements in the table :

NameThe name of the product
Product CodeThe product code for your own reference
PriceThe price of your product
Form URLThe Unique Payment Form URL which you use to get payment
HitThe number of hits showing the number of times customers view this product in the Unique Payment Form
SalesThe number of sales of this product
StatusThe status of this product whether Active or Not Active
CloneYou can duplicate your product

Please take note that :

  • When you click on the product name, you will see the detail page of the product.
  • When you click on the “View” link under the Form URL, you will be directed to the actual Unique Payment Form.

B. Create New

1. This is to add new products in the Dashboard. When you add products, it will create a Unique Payment form. Fill in the related information and click the “Create Product” button.

2. Below are the details of the elements in the table :

Product NameThe name of your product
Product PriceThe price of your product without GST and without delivery charge
Delivery ChargeThe charge to deliver your product
Product DescriptionThe information regarding your product
Product CodeYour inventory product code
Product ImageUpload your product image here
Product Info URLIn case you have a product description in your web or blog, you can insert the link here
SST RateSet the rate if you apply SST in your business


C. Delivery Address / Self Pickup

1. There are also some additional settings that you need to be aware of in case your have some special arrangement on the delivery of the product.


2. If you want to display the delivery address in your payment form, click the first radio button. Your unique payment form will have the address field.

3. If you do not want to display the delivery address or self pickup, click the second radio button. Your unique payment form will have no address field.

4. If you want to give the option to your customer to either to receive by post or to self pickup at your office, select the third radio button. Your unique payment form will have a drop down menu for customers to either select self pickup or deliver to the address provided. Below are the example screenshot of the payment form.

D. Size

1. If your item is related with sizing, you can set to select the sizing options that you want to display in your payment product. Simply click on the check box that you want to display. If your preferred selection is not in the list below, notify us at [email protected] .


2. Don’t forget to click “Create Product” if you have already confirmed all the information you added regarding your product. This will generate your unique payment form.

Please take note that :

  • Once you add your product, it will create an Unique Payment Form. Click here to view the example of Unique Payment Form.