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Register with senangPay now!

Registration with senangPay is quick and easy. It is either from the senangPay website or here, from this page.

1. Simply go to http://senangpay.my and click the ” Register Now” button.

2. Or, simply click https://senangpay.my/register/ if you already know and have read the senangPay fees and features.

3. Submit all your business / organisation related document to us via dashboard.


A. Registration Form

1. Below is the screenshot of the registration form after you click on the “Register” button.

2. Fill in all the details required from section #1 (Create Account) until section #6 (Subscription & Payment).

Please take note that :

  • The password must be a combination of upper & lower case letters, number and special character. Minimum of 8 characters. E.g. P@55word!@#