OpenCart 2.3


senangPay payment gateway plugin for OpenCart. This plugin enable online payment using credit or debit cards (Visa and Mastercard only) and online banking (for Malaysian banks only). Currently senangPay is only available for businesses that reside in Malaysia.

If this is your first time installing the extension, please start at Step 3. If you have previously downloaded the extension for OpenCart 2.3.x dated 14th April 2017 and before that, please follow Step 1 and Step 2 first to remove the previous version.


A. How to set ?

1. Uninstall the SenangPay extension from your OpenCart admin section if you already have it installed.

2. Removed all the files that have been uploaded related to the previous version of our extension. Below is the list of files from our previous extensions. You may remove the folder these files contained in if there is no other files exists within those folders.

Previous File List of SenangPay OpenCart  2.3.x Extension :

  • admin/controller/payment/senangpay.php
  • admin/language/english/payment/senangpay.php
  • admin/view/template/payment/senangpay.tpl
  • catalog/controller/payment/senangpay.php
  • catalog/language/english/payment/senangpay.php
  • catalog/model/payment/senangpay.php
  • catalog/view/theme/default/template/payment/senangpay.tpl
  • catalog/view/theme/default/template/payment/senangpay_failed.tpl

3. Download and extract the extension. There should be 2 folders, ‘admin’ and ‘catalog’.

4. Please copy both folders admin and catalog in the upload directory into your OpenCart directory.

5. Take note that the plugin default files are for language en-gb and the default template. If you are using different language and template then please copy the files to the appropriate language and template directory.

6. In OpenCart administration go to Extensions and from the dropdown of extension categories, please choose ‘Payments’.

7. Install the senangPay extension.

8. Edit senangPay extension. Key in:

  • Your merchant ID – (can be obtained from your senangPay Profile page)
  • Your secret key – (can be obtained from your senangPay Profile page)
  • The order status after successful payment (usually ‘Processed’)
  • Sort order – the number for the order of payment method (can be left blank)
  • Status to enable

9. Press save. The notice ‘You have successfully modified senangPay setting.’ should be displayed.

10. In senangPay Dashboard, key in your return URL as :

11. Set the callback URL as :

12. For callback response choose ‘Ignore the response’.

13. All set and ready!