myIOU Pay Feature in senangPay Payment Form

We senangPay partnering with myIOU to bring you more payments option to your customers. With senangPay, your customer can now split  purchases into affordable monthly instalments with absolutely 0% interest!


A. How to register ?

Check here for the registration steps.


B. What are the required documents ?

Check here for the required documents.


C. What package available for this feature ?

myIOU pay feature only available for Advance & Special Package.

D. Transaction Charge

2-payment planMDR 4.00%
3-payment planMDR 5.00%
6-payment planMDR 8.00%


E. Is there any integration needed ?

No integration is needed.


F. Does myIOU feature comes by default ?

  1. Yes. However our onboarding team will double check if your business fall under Non-Exhaustive List of Prohibited and High-Risk Goods & Services as listed in (F) below, you’re not eligible for our BNPL feature. If you believe we have tagged your business wrong, please email us at [email protected]

G. Can BNPL be applied to all my product?

If you’re an eligible merchant, BNPL option will be available to your customers for all your product that falls in the price range of RM50 until RM10,000 


H. Non-Exhaustive List of Prohibited and High-Risk Goods & Services

1. Alcohol (online only)
2. Associated with purchases of annuities or lottery contracts, lay-away systems,
off-shore banking or transactions to finance or refinance debts funded by a
credit card
3. Associated with the sale of traveller’s checks or money orders
4. Auction business including Penny Auction and/or bidding
5. Automotive (case by case basis)
6. Buyers’ Club / Membership clubs
7. Check cashing businesses
8. Cigar Stores and Stands (online only)
9. Consultation & servicing services (except medical consultation)
10.Convenience store, sundries store, groceries store
11.Counterfeit designer/luxury goods
12.Counterfeit pharmaceutical products
13.Counterfeit tobacco products (e.g., cigarettes, cigars)
14.Credit Counselling / Credit repair services
15.Credit protection / Identity thief protection
16.Credit repair or debt settlement services, credit transactions or insurance
17.Currency and forex
18.Direct Marketing – Continuity / Subscription Merchants
19.Direct Marketing – Inbound Telemarketing Merchants
20.Direct Marketing – Other Direct Marketers – not elsewhere classified
21.Direct Marketing – Outbound Telemarketing Merchants
22.Direct Marketing – Travel-Related Arrangement Services
23.Drug Stores, Pharmacies (online only)
24.Drugs, drug paraphernalia and drug test circumvention aids
25.Drugs, Drug Proprietors, and Druggists Sundries
26.Event management services
27.File sharing services
28.Firearms / weapons
29.Fireworks and hazardous materials
30.Gambling transaction, gaming and/or any other activity with an entry fee and a
prize, includes casino games, sports betting, horse, dog or greyhound racing,
lottery tickets, other ventures that facilitate gambling, games of skill (whether
or not it is legally defined as a lottery), sweepstakes and non-sports intrastate
31.Hardware, construction or renovation (non-chain store only)
32.Human remains and body parts
33.Illegal downloads of movies, music, computer and video games or software
34.Internet pharmacies / Internet pharmacy referral site
35.Investment scheme
36.Involve the sales of products or services identified by government agencies to
have a high likelihood of being fraudulent
37.Items encouraging illegal activity
38.Items or downloads infringe or violate copyright, trademark, right of publicity or
privacy or any other proprietary right under the laws of any jurisdiction
39.Items promote hatred, racism, religious persecution or contain offensive
40.Items that are considered obscene
41.Key-entry Telecom Merchant providing single local and long-distance phone
calls using a central access number in a non–face-to-face environment using
key entry
42.Miracle Cures
43.Mobile devices
44.Multi-level marketing businesses, Unlicensed Multi-level marketing
45.Outbound telemarketers
46.Pornography and adult content
47.Prepayment business
48.Pyramid or ponzi scheme, matrix program and other “get rich quick” schemes
49.Real Estate Agency / Brokers
50.Rebate-based business and up-selling merchants
51.Sale of a good or service, including an image, which is patently offensive and
lacks serious artistic value (such as images of non-consensual sexual
behaviour, sexual exploitation of a minor, non-consensual mutilation of a
person or body part, and bestiality)
52.Sexually oriented materials or services
53.Stolen goods including digital and virtual goods
54.Subscription services (digital only)
55.Telecommunication Services including but not limited to prepaid phone
services and recurring phone services
57.Time sharing
58.Tobacco / Cigar / Nicotine content products (online only)
59.Transportation services
60.Travel Agency
61.Used / Pre-loved Products (except luxury goods)
62.Vehicle/motorbike deposit or purchase (new/used vehicle)
63.Video Entertainment Rental Stores

Please take note that :

If the Applicant conducts any transaction involving the above goods or services, IOU Pay
reserves the right to terminate any existing agreement with the Applicant. The Applicant shall fully
indemnify IOU Pay against any claims, losses, damages or fine brought by any third party, Card
Associations, Bank, any regulatory body, any governmental or non-governmental authorities related to
IOU Pay in connection with the use of or access to the Service. The Applicant shall forthwith reimburse
IOU Pay for any fine imposed and all costs (legal or otherwise) and/or damages incurred by IOU Pay.

I. How to enable myIOU Pay feature in your payment form ?

1. Login to your senangPay Dashboard.

2. Go to Menu > Settings > Profile

3. Refer to the “Payment Option Availability 

4. Drag the IOUpay options accordingly.

5. Scroll down the page and click “Save.”

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6. Now, you need to double check the result of the changes. Go to your any Payment Form and open it. You should see the options of the payment is based on your setting. For example, below is a screenshot for the selected payment options for  IOU Pay.

7. Your customer will be directly to this page, for the instalment payment.


J. What can I do as a senangPay merchant ?

You can simply share / announce this feature in your social media .