Dashboard Overview for Merchants

Dashboard is a one page summary to display of all the summary activities that are related to your business through our payment gateway. Below is the screenshot of the dashboard.

So what will you benefit from here?

1. Total Transaction Today

  • The number of transactions that happened today
  • e.g : Say you have 29 sales today, so the figure displayed will be 29.


2. Transaction Amount This Month

  • The total amount / value of the transaction in the current month
  • e.g : Say you have 290 sales this month, and the sum of the sales value is RM3400, thus the figure displayed will be RM3400.


3. Transaction Approved This Month

  • The total transaction that was approved in the current month by the bank,  which means the sales that were transacted successfully.


4. Payment Amount Due

  •  Payment balance due from senangPay to the merchant (you)


5. No of Open Feedback

  • The number of feedbacks that is currently in discussion between you and the senangPay Support team


6. Total Product

  • The number of products that are currently in your senangPay Dashboard, whether active or inactive


7. Transaction Stats

  • Display all transaction frequency with senangPay within 12 months


8. Revenue Stats

  • Display all revenue value within 12 months from customers through senangPay
