Features Available on senangPay Dashboard


A. A business without a dashboard is a business without idea (what is happening)

The senangPay Dashboard is designed to help you manage your sales transactions daily, either from your office or when you are on the go. The Dashboard covers everything from analytics, reports, products, payments, charges, profiles and even in-app feedbacks which will let you communicate with our senangPay feedback & support team.

Our main intention is not just to offer an Online Payment Gateway that you subscribe to, but also a solution that covers your online sales activities so you can focus on getting more sales, instead of focusing on the technical aspect. We offer a gateway that goes beyond payment transactions.


B. Our Dashboard makes your life easier in 10 ways

1. It’s responsive. You can access the Dashboard, either from your desktop, mobile or tablet.

2. It will list all your sales transactions in real time. Which means, you will know when you get an order.

3. It will tell you how many sales transactions you have yesterday, and it is updated daily by 8 a.m.

4. It will display your sales analysis. Which means if you are an analytic freak, this one will get your attention.

5. It manages all your products in one site by not only monitoring  your product sales, but also monitoring  your payment form hits.

6. Graph? Report? Of course. You can download your sales report anytime, anywhere.

7. It will send a transaction receipt to your buyer, on your behalf.

8. GST calculations are provided, thus, your buyer does not need a calculator to know the GST charges.

9. In-app support. You can communicate with the senangPay team directly from the dashboard for any inquiries.

10. The design of the Dashboard is beautiful, better than what is in the market nowadays.