Why Does Payment Made by My Client Sometimes Fail?

There are a lot of reasons why your customer’s payment FAILED. Due to this, we have enhanced our DASHBOARD to check with the BANK and PAYMENT GATEWAYS for the reasons why this happens.


A. Where to check the Payment Status

1. Login to your Dashboard.
2. Go to Transaction > List
3. Select the transaction preferred.
4. Scroll down to the Payment Info section and focus on the Response from Visa / MasterCard / FPX / Banks field.

Screen Shot 2015-08-19 at 6.40.53 PM

5. You will see the Payment Status response from Visa / MasterCard / FPX / Banks.
6. Here are more examples:

Screen Shot 2015-08-19 at 6.41.49 PM

Screen Shot 2015-08-19 at 6.42.57 PM

Screen Shot 2015-08-19 at 6.39.30 PM

Screen Shot 2015-08-19 at 6.38.09 PM

Screen Shot 2015-08-19 at 6.47.14 PM

Screen Shot 2015-08-19 at 6.49.18 PM


B. Where does this response come from?

These responses comes from Visa / MasterCard / FPX / Banks


C. So this is not a response from senangPay?

Yes. senangPay only receives the response and displays the response in the Dashboard. In other words, if the response is “Bank Declined Transaction” meaning the bank of the customer has declined the transaction,then senangPay has nothing to do with this.


D. Details of Responses & the Meanings

Here is the list of responses from the Visa / MasterCard / FPX / Banks for your reference.

Transaction TypeCodeMessage from payment processor
Credit Card0Transaction Successful
Credit Card?Transaction status is unknown
Credit Card1Unknown Error
Credit Card2Bank Declined Transaction
Credit Card3No Reply from Bank
Credit Card4Expired Card
Credit Card5Insufficient funds
Credit Card6Error Communicating with Bank
Credit Card7Payment Server System Error
Credit Card8Transaction Type Not Supported
Credit Card9Bank declined transaction (Do not contact Bank)
Credit CardATransaction Aborted
Credit CardCTransaction Cancelled
Credit CardDDeferred transaction has been received and is awaiting processing
Credit CardF3D Secure Authentication failed
Credit CardICard Security Code verification failed
Credit CardLShopping Transaction Locked (Please try the transaction again later)
Credit CardNCardholder is not enrolled in Authentication scheme
Credit CardPTransaction has been received by the Payment Adaptor and is being processed
Credit CardRTransaction was not processed – Reached limit of retry attempts allowed
Credit CardSDuplicate SessionID (OrderInfo)
Credit CardTAddress Verification Failed
Credit CardUCard Security Code Failed
Credit CardVAddress Verification and Card Security Code Failed
Credit CardNo Code

Unrecognized Response Code sent by Payment Processor

Transaction TypeCodeMessage from payment processor
FPX3Invalid Merchant
FPX5Seller Account Closed
FPX12Invalid Transaction
FPX13Invalid Amount
FPX14Invalid Buyer Account
FPX20Invalid Response
FPX30Transaction Not Supported For Model Or Format Error
FPX31Invalid Bank
FPX39No Credit Account
FPX45Duplicate Seller Order Number
FPX46Invalid Seller Exchange Or Seller
FPX47Invalid Currency
FPX48Transaction Limit Exceeded
FPX51Insufficient Funds
FPX53No Saving Account
FPX57Transaction Not Permitted
FPX61Withdrawal Limit Exceeded
FPX65Withdrawal Frequency Exceeded
FPX70Invalid Serial Number
FPX72Duplicate Exchange Order Number
FPX76Transaction Not Found
FPX77Invalid Buyer Name Or Buyer ID
FPX78Decryption Failed
FPX79Host Decline When Down
FPX80Buyer Cancel Transaction
FPXNo Code

Unrecognized Response Code sent by Payment Processor