
Charges is where all the charges between you and senangPay are recorded. These are the charges that senangPay will bill you for the Online Payment Gateway services including the senangPay Dashboard. Under the Charges menu, there is only 1 submenu as seen below:


A. List

1. This displays the records of charges made by senangPay to you.

2.Below are the details of the elements in the table :

NoThe number to list the charges made by senangPay to the merchant (you)
Charge DetailThe charge amount made to merchant (you)
Gross (RM)The gross amount of the charges
GST(RM)The GST charge amount that is charged to the merchant (you) by the government
Nett  (RM)The total amount that being charge to merchant (you)
Transaction ReferenceThe transaction details for your reference
StatusThe status of payment either PAID or PENDING PAYMENT
Settlement DeductibleThe amount of settlement deducted
Settlement Cut-offThe date of the settlement charges due to refund and etc
Due DateThe dateline to make payment to senangPay
DateDate of the charges being made
Action Click to make payment or view receipt, depending on your payment status

3 . You can filter the status accordingly.

4. Below are the details of the elements above :

PaidA successful transaction / payment
Paid ExternallyThe charge amount that being made to merchant (you)
Pending PaymentThe gross amount of the charges
FailedUnsuccessful transaction / payment 
WaivedUnsuccessful payment but account activated due to senangPay terms

Please take note that :

  •  If you failed to make payment for the subscription fees after 7 days of expiry date, your account will be suspended
  •  You can make payment to continue subscription by clicking at the icon under Action column in the table