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Mobile Integration for apps like iOS & Android App

A. Can senangPay be integrated with mobile apps?



B. So can I have the SDK of iOS or Android to begin with

No, unfortunately. We are sorry to inform that currently we don’t have the SDK yet.


C. What is web view?

A “webview” is a browser bundled inside of a mobile application producing what is called a hybrid app. Using a webview allows mobile apps to be built using Web technologies (HTML, JavaScript, CSS, etc.) but still packaged as a native app and placed in the app store.


D. So how then can we integrate with mobile apps?

You can use web view to deploy the payment part.


E. That would not be really seamless with my apps

Yes. We agree, but as for the time being, this is what we need to live with.


F. Does senangPay plan to have the SDK in future

Yes, we have that plan.


G. May I know when?

It’s complicated. 


H. Can I help senangPay to create the SDK?

May we have your number please?